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Waterworld is a 1995 American post-apocalyptic science fiction film directed by Kevin Reynolds and co-written by Peter Rader and David Twohy. It was based on Rader's original 1986 screenplay and stars Kevin Costner, who also produced it with Charles Gordon and John Davis. It was distributed by Universal Pictures.

The setting of the film is the distant future. Although no exact date was given in the film itself, it has been suggested that it takes place in 2500.The polar ice caps have completely melted, and the sea level has risen many hundreds of meters, covering nearly all the land. The film illustrates this with an unusual variation on the Universal logo, which begins with the usual image of Earth, but shows the planet's water levels gradually rising and the polar ice caps melting until nearly all the land is submerged. The plot of the film centers on an otherwise nameless antihero, "The Mariner", a drifter who sails the Earth in his trimaran.

The most expensive film ever made at the time, Waterworld was released to mixed reviews and was unable to recoup its massive budget at the box office. The film's release was accompanied by a tie-in novel, video game, and three themed attractions at Universal Studios Hollywood, Universal Studios Singapore, and Universal Studios Japan called Waterworld: A Live Sea War Spectacular, which are all still running as of 2013.

In the future (year 2500), the polar ice caps have melted due to global warming, and the sea level has risen hundreds of meters, covering every continent and turning Earth into a water planet. Human population has been scattered across the ocean in individual, isolated communities consisting of artificial islands and mostly decrepit sea vessels. It was so long since the events that the humans eventually forgot that there were continents in the first place. Although many believe that there is a mythical place on Earth called "Dryland".

A drifter, known only as "the Mariner", sails the open seas in his trimaran. He enters an artificial atoll city in the shallower part of the ocean seeking to trade dirt, which is a precious commodity. He is instantly asked how he found it, but refuses to answer. It is later revealed that he is not a human, but a mutant with webbed feet and gills, an evolutionary step in some of the humans to accommodate the changes in climate. The fearful atollers vote to "recycle" him by drowning him in a yellow sludge brine pool. At that moment, local sea pirates, known as "Smokers", raid the atoll, having been tipped off by a Smoker spy posing as a trader, known as "the Nord".

The Smokers are searching for an orphan girl named Enola, who has what appears to be a map and directions to Dryland tattooed on her back. The girl and her guardian, Helen, the atoll's shopkeeper, plan to escape with Gregor, the atoll's expert inventor, in the hopes of finding Dryland. Unfortunately, Gregor's escape method, a hydrogen-filled balloon made of old rags, launches too early with him on it, leaving Helen and Enola stranded. They instead escape with the Mariner, who agrees to take them with him because they saved his life, though he is ill at ease with their company, as he prefers solitude, and finds them to be a nuisance. Chasing them is "the Deacon", who is the captain of a derelict oil tanker, theExxon Valdez, and the leader of the Smokers, who are armed with old military weapons and jet skis. He wants the map to Dryland to arrive and build a first city in which he will rule and has a number of skirmishes with the Mariner while trying to get Enola. After Helen's naive actions during a battle with the Smokers result in significant damage to the Mariner's boat, he angrily cuts their hair very short. After this incident, the Mariner gradually warms up to them and teaches Enola to swim in case of an emergency.

Helen is convinced that Dryland exists and she demands to know where the Mariner finds his dirt. The Mariner, able to breathe underwater, puts her in a diving bell and swims down to the ruins of Denver, where he collects the dirt and other items from the bottom of the sea for trade, with Helen realizing that this is the former civilization (she believed that the humans always lived on water, not on the land). While they are underwater, the Deacon and his Smokers board the boat, burn it, and capture Enola while the Mariner and Helen barely escape. Since Helen cannot breathe underwater, the Mariner uses his gills to breathe for the both of them, resulting in an underwater kiss of life. They resurface and board the wreckage of the Mariner's trimaran, where they are later rescued by Gregor. He takes them to a new makeshift atoll where the survivors of the first atoll attack have regrouped.

Using a jet ski, the Mariner chases down the Exxon Valdez and boards it. There, the Deacon is having a celebration, tossing gifts of cigarettes and Smeat (a Spam-like canned meat) to the crew, proclaiming they have found the map to Dryland. After they have all gone below decks to row, the Mariner walks out onto the deck and threatens to drop a flare into a vent of the oil reserve tank unless the Deacon releases Enola. The Deacon, believing that the Mariner is bluffing, refuses, so the Mariner drops the flare. The ship explodes, and the Mariner escapes with Enola by climbing a rope up to Gregor's balloon. The Deacon, still alive, makes a grab for Enola, but Helen throws a metal object which strikes him in the forehead, causing him to fall into the water. He pulls out his pistol and shoots at the balloon, hitting one of the lines, causing Enola to fall into the sea. The Deacon and two other Smokers, all on jet skis, converge on Enola. The Mariner ties a bungee cord around his ankle and jumps down to grab Enola, pulling her out of the water just as the jet skis collide and explode.

Gregor deciphers the map, translating the Asian symbols using an old and tattered China Airlines magazine. He realizes that they are latitude and longitude coordinates, and steers his balloon in that direction. The group finds Dryland, which turns out to be the peak of Mount Everest, still above sea level and no longer a snowy peak, where they find horses and other wildlife. Gregor, Enola, Helen and the others land and find the remains of Enola's parents in a hut. The group prepares to settle, but the Mariner decides he must leave, explaining to Enola that the ocean, his only home, calls to him. He sails away, taking a boat left by the former inhabitants.


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