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The Game Of Death

Bruce Jun Fan Lee (bahasa Tionghoa: 李振藩; pinyin: Lǐ Zhènfán; lahir 27 November 1940 – meninggal 20 Juli 1973 pada umur 32 tahun) adalah aktor bela diri China (HK), tinggal di Amerika Amerika Serikat. Bruce lee lahir di Amerika, namun masa kecil hingga remaja tinggal di HK (Hong Kong). Sejak kecil, Bruce sudah banyak berakting dalam perfilman HK. Sejak masa remaja nya pindah ke Amerika, dan menikah disana.

Bruce Lee adalah salah satu master seni beladiri. Tinggi badan 5 setengah kaki dengan berat 135 pon. Menciptakan seni beladiri JKD (jeet kune do) yang di dapat dari penelitiannya berdasarkan ilmu fisika Newton dan teknik serta prinsip olah raga anggar Eropa dan tinju ala Barat, prinsip seni bela diri ini adalah menahan serangan kepalan tangan atau kaki. "Seranganmu memberikanku kesempatan untuk menahanmu", kata Bruce Lee. Gerakannya sangat cepat, sehingga dalam film-filmnya para editor harus memperlambat film agar semua penonton dapat melihat gerakan-gerakan Bruce Lee.

The original plot involves Lee playing the role of Hai Tien, a retired champion martial artist who was confronted by the Korean underworld gangs. They tell him the story of a pagoda where guns are prohibited, and under heavy guard by highly skilled martial artists who are protecting something (which is not identified at all in any surviving material) held on its top level. The gang boss wants Hai to be a part of a group whose purpose is to retrieve said item. They would be the second group to try to do so as the first attempt with a previous group had failed. When Hai refuses, his younger sister and brother are kidnapped, forcing him to participate. Hai, as well as four other martial artists (two of which were played by James Tien and Chieh Yuan), then fight their way up a five-level pagoda, encountering a different challenge on each floor. The setting of the pagoda was at Peobjusa temple inSongnisan National Park in South Korea.

The pagoda, called Palsang-jon, is the only remaining wooden pagoda in South Korea. At the base of the pagoda they fight 10 people, all black belts in Karate. While inside the pagoda, they encounter a different opponent on each floor, each more challenging than the last. Although his allies try to help out, they are handily defeated, and Hai must face each of the martial artists in one-on-one combat. He defeats Filipino martial arts master Dan Inosanto, hapkido master Ji Han Jae, and finally Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, who fights with a free and fluid style mirroring Lee's Jeet Kune Do. Because Abdul-Jabbar's character has great size and strength in addition to a fighting style as potent as Lee's, he can only be defeated once Hai recognizes that an unusually high sensitivity to light is his greatest weakness.

Immediately after defeating the giant guardian, Hai turns around and descends the staircase, heading out of the pagoda. Despite all the talk of something awaiting up top of the (now unguarded) flight of stairs, there is no mention of anyone going up to retrieve it. No surviving material explains how this will affect Hai or his captive siblings.

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